Hello Blackhere
6 min readMar 14, 2021

WHEN called into battle the Warrior Queen sprang into action. Being strong was her only armor and with no time to spare, she gathered her troops and went into battle…

I stumbled upon lyric Chanel’s picture on Instagram literally by accident. At first glance, I thought the adult in the photo was Sharee Zampino (Will Smith’s first wife ) and what I assumed was a younger relative of hers — — looking fabulous of course.

I visited the page and my life was changed — — — forever.

For one to fully understand the impact of this young Warrior Queen you actually have to visit her IG page -https://www.instagram.com/yhung.chanel_

So many things to say about Lyric and her tribe/troops. Mother, siblings, father and a host of very necessary players such as; surgeons, rehab crew, Djs, musicians and her devoted and very necessary IG followers — big parts in her journey — . Mother and her unyielding desire to document Lyric’s journey and in the process we learned a lot more than we could have ever imagined. I hopped on her page and into her journey; did not leave until two hours later. For this particular journey took up space — lots and lots of space. Her journey was shared unselfishly and not just the parts that were convenient. Not just the fluffy parts; She simply disrupted this myth — we call time.

I –myself-

watching her experiences , which felt more like witnessing — Grace.

Unbeknownst to me — her story triggered

some extraordinary memories — experiences in my own life that

I, forgot about — -

rather– navigated through without conscious awareness, simply put — at the time my own crisis, -it wasn’t required for me to remember. Experiences that were recorded and put aside –without my knowledge of them being recorded.

The experiences I did remember , I did not have the language for- it was transcending. From 2009 to 2015, I spent time transcribing information into words and image. It’s pretty exhausting. To be clear and not clever is so important. Words, images and sounds are our communicative tools as humans. It is what we understand as humans, the receivers of the information. What I know for sure is that the conscious mind is not the only mind operating at any given time. It is the youngest of the minds. Its job is to experience this thing — we call life.

Like a toddler at play the conscious mind, is curious and designed to explore the environment. Now, somewhere in the background there is going to be a “momma bear” (fathers have this capability as well), able to do other things while hyper in tuned to the toddler and the rest of the environment. When the threat of danger is felt by mother (even before the danger is seen) mother brings the toddler close -to her body. Like a true toddler, –they begin to kick and screaming –resisting. Not understanding what is going on — like, “why are you interfering with my play- can’t you see I’m busy? Why mother — -Why?!?!? Exhausted from all of the kicking, screaming and resisting, toddler is rocked to sleep; while mother keeps an eye on things and continues her other work. Mother takes over- for the toddler is safe. Mothers purpose is to support toddlers learning - exploring and will put toddler down again when it is safe enough to do so….

Our particular species, humans –we have the capacity to do the same thing.

The one distinction is that, we actually are the toddler, mother, and environment all rolled into one. Each mind holding its unique set of laws and rules of engagement. Our different minds are required to operate independent from each other but are connected. When there is a threat to toddler …. mother kicks in. For in this case — independent does not mean separate.

Like Lyric, I too had an Ependymoma in 2009. This particular type of tumor can only grows in the brain and spine from the cells that line the passageway where the cerebrospinal fluid flows.

after the staples were removed. photo spine LLC

The Ependymoma in my spinal cord, called a myxopapillary -grade 1 (slow growing) hemorrhaged/ ruptured as well, bleeding in the spine. It was about 5 inches (surgeon removed 4 ½ inches of it)– lodged in my nerve center, cutting off signals to my legs. I do not know how long it was there- but I know I had back pain for a long damn time. With numerous CAT scans in the past- It was only picked up when I got an MRI.

By watching her videos, It clicked — The Ependymoma which grew in Lyrics brain was the type of tumor that my doctor feared; Anaplastic Ependymoma- grade 3 (fast growing). I realized why my doctor abruptly but politely expressed, that he literally could not answer any more questions about the growth in my spine — until he finds out what type of tumor he was dealing with.

Depending on the type of tumor - a different plan of action would be required . I recalled some of the language Lyrics surgeon was using in one of the videos. The memories started coming back. This allowed me to go back and finally read my own report in its entirety. I decided not to read it early on. I did not want any story — — I mean ANY story interfering with my mission to walk again.

Over the years I got distracted and I am finally going back to continue the project I started in 2012 called CARFOOT. Which talks about these experiences.

The funny thing is, at the time, life still went on in day to day. What I call in “humanville”.

My marriage ended, housing issues, and a host of other experiences which occurred in real time. I was in physical pain 24 hours 7 days a week- it was brutal. I always said “thank you!” because It was a unique pain. Unique in a sense of it only being experienced here — in the land of the living. I was grateful for it — although to the naked eye, I was a hot mess; painful to watch. I knew I was healing; nerves firing in my spine — lit my ass up like a Christmas tree! Creating newer pathways- rejuvenating. Comfort was not an option, I took 1/3 of my medication; I wanted to be as present as possible. I knew what I was going after. I wanted my legs back. They were not going to work unless I put in the work. I also wanted to be awake enough to experience my sons first year. Rehab was whack —(10 minutes on a treadmill once a week)so I decided to push my son around in his stroller instead. In the first few years of my injury my husband was a part of my healing journey as well. I was also surrounded by a family that not only loved me — but respected my grind. They were my team, ready to assist — but did not insist on over protecting me. Help is a tricky word. I am so grateful for their wisdom. This was a key factor in maintaining healthy emotions during this time.

During a paint and sip about 2019, I painted a kick ass Warrior Queen with pink hair –and a caramel complexion. I would have went with a darker brown but my brush said — — “wait! that’s enough!” lol

With her blood soaked cape behind her

and fire in her eyes — hand on her hip and ready for the next battle….I didn’t know who she was at the time but what do you all think? Does she look like Lyric?

Lyric fought for her place here- at the table, this realm. Every song, every movement — every color, every vibration — connected her to this realm. Most of us will never know what this Queen Warrior was willing to do — to stay in her body vessel.

The same bodies we cuss and swear under our breaths - she would have gladly used — so she could continue to “ Kill em’ with the shoulders”.

A Warrior Queen named Lyric https://www.instagram.com/yhung.chanel_


Maisha Sapp Woodley:

Wellness Coach, Thought leader, lover of wisdomhttps://www.instagram.com/maishasappwoodley/, (917)415-2662



Hello Blackhere

Changing your mind changes things…Thought leader/Author/Instructor